Top 6 Reasons Truck Owners Need a Spray-On Bed Liner

LINE-X of Greenville Blogger • Jun 30, 2022

One of the best accessories for your new truck is a Spray-On bed liner. Read on for all the benefits to getting this coating done to protect your truck.

spray on bed liner

Pickup trucks are one of the most popular types of vehicles you can own. In fact, they account for around 20% of the cars on the road today. And it makes sense when you think about all the things you can do with a truck that you can't do with other vehicles; tow, haul big loads, and drive on rugged terrain. 

There's no doubt that a pickup truck is a workhorse but that also means it can take a beating during the day to day activities. 

Adding a spray-on bed liner is a great way to protect your truck from this kind of damage. Not sure if this treatment is necessary for your truck? Here are six benefits you'll see after applying a truck bed coating. 

1. Clean-Up Easier 

Trucks have a reputation for getting extremely dirty, it's almost a part of their personality at this point. While it's nice to have a vehicle that you don't have to feel overly protective of, it will need to be cleaned eventually. 

When you have a spray-on truck bed liner, that cleaning process will be much easier. 

Generally, you can simply spray out the liner with a hose or pressure washer and that's it! You won't have to worry about it chipping or wearing out during a thorough cleaning. All of the dirt and grime will simply slide right off and the truck bed will look basically brand new. 

Because of the way spray-on liners are installed, there's an air-tight seal. This prevents any water from getting in underneath and causing you problems in the future. 

2. Repels Rust and Corrosion 

One of the biggest issues truck beds face is the potential for rust and corrosion. They are made of the same metal the rest of the body is, normally steel or aluminum. And while these are strong, they can get dinged and dented during extended use. When that happens and water is introduced to the mix, you may start to see rust begin to appear. 

When there's rust, the integrity of the truck bed is compromised and it won't have the same strength as it did before.

Unfortunately, rust has the tendency to spread and affect the entire area instead of staying contained. Adding a truck bed liner that's not made of metal completely eliminates the potential for rust and keeps your bed intact. 

3. Protects Against the Elements 

Damage from the loading and hauling processes aren't the only potential problems a truck faces. The elements can also do a number on the look and function of an unprotected truck bed. 

The dirt and grime from storms can build up until you have a big mess on your hands! 

But when you add a spray-in bed liner, you won't have to worry about either of those problems. The protective coating will make sure there's no major damage done to the foundation of the truck. And If a storm does leave a mess in the bed, you can quickly get it back to looking like normal again. 

4. Reduces Damage from Loads 

A huge benefit of having a truck is being able to transport all kinds of things that you wouldn't be able to in a smaller car. Anything from hauling parts for the farm equipment to taking unwanted furniture to the donation center can be accomplished with a truck. 

When you're using your truck to its full capacity, chances are you're going to acquire some new scratches and dings on the frame. 

Without a truck bed liner, it's impossible to avoid these imperfections. But a truck bed liner can protect against these issues. The materials used in spray-on liners can't be damaged in the same way and will continue to look brand new regardless. 

5. Improves Look of Truck

While the point of having a truck is to be able to handle all the jobs you need to get done, chances are you still want it to look good. It can take a lot of extra work and effort to keep your truck looking shiny and new, which you probably don't have time for.

But when you add a spray-on truck bed liner, you can eliminate a lot of that work for yourself. 

The bed liner is made to last and continue looking brand new no matter how long you use it. They are practically indestructible, even with the toughest workloads. Your truck will keep its value high and look amazing even on the most difficult days. 

6. Functional Accessories 

A spray-on bed liner can also be a foundation for a whole set of additional accessories that will make your jobs easier and the truck work better for you. Many liners can be customized to fit your exact needs and make your trucks as functional as possible. 

Some truck owners choose to add a variety of tool storage options to stay organized. These containers and baskets can be attached easier to a liner to stay in place securely. You can even switch the accessories in and out so you know you have everything you need for each job. 

Check out the additional truck accessories in Greenville, SC for a full catalog of options to customize your truck. 

Get a Spray-On Bed Liner for Your Truck

When you have a truck, you know you can count on it to do a lot of the heavy lifting for you. It's a good idea to strengthen it as much as possible to keep it going as long as possible. 

Getting a spray-on bed liner installed is an easy way to be able to continue to use it and not have to worry about causing additional problems. Put anything in the back and feel confident that when it comes out the bed will look the same as it did before. And when you get it installed professionally by LINE-X of Greenville, you know there won't be any issues and you can enjoy it for years and years!

If you're interested in seeing how we can upgrade your truck and make it work even better for you, contact us today! 

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